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Petland Chillicothe, Ohio
August 15, 2019
Designer dog breeds are becoming rather popular these days, because they were made to provide certain physical and personality traits. Among all these designer breeds, most certainly the Maltipoo is one of the most popular. The Maltipoo, also known as the Moodle, is a mixed breed that has the Maltese and Miniature Poodle as parents. Here’s what you need to know about the Maltipoo.
The Maltipoo is a small dog, even as an adult, so its weight will range between 5 and 12 pounds. When it comes to the color of a Maltipoo puppy, they can vary quite a lot. The Poodle contributes to this part, with its coat available in a variety of colors.
The Maltipoo is a friendly and playful dog. It is loyal to its owner and family and loves spending time with its favorite humans. Whether you feel like relaxing on the couch or walking around the park, the Maltipoo will be happy to be at your side. Some Maltipoo dogs may have the tendency to warn the presence of strangers by barking.
The Maltipoo is a hypoallergenic dog breed that sheds very little. However, the coat will require a good amount of attention. It can grow to have a medium length and because it can get rather curly, you will have to groom it in order to avoid unwanted tangles.
Also to minimize the existence of dog hair and dander inside the house, grooming your dog periodically is recommended. If you can’t do it daily, it would be great if you could groom it every other day. This will make your dog look presentable at all times and will keep its coat free of dust and dead hair.